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Ericsson MD / Patton SN-DTA / PABX / 4G
Bonjour, Dans le cadre d'un dépannage / bricolage client qui doit tenir 3 semaines, nous cherchons à installer une passerelle Patton pour 2 T0 sur un PABX Ericsson, le tout relié à un routeur 4G !! Oui, c'est bricolé, mais là n'est pas le débat... Il faut paramétrer les accès au trunk SIP openvno.net, et comme c'est notre première fois avec une patton, évidemment c'est compliqué... Nous avons récupéré le fichier de config, je vous le transmets. Savez-vous où il faut indiquer les paramètres SIP ? serveur, identifiant et mot de passe ? Merci de votre aide Le fichier de config : [code:1:5dbd35dfa9] #----------------------------------------------------------------# # # # SN-DTA/2BIS2V # # R6.8 2016-05-02 H323 SIP # # 2016-09-19T08:57:51 # # SN/00A0BA0BA0D8 # # Generated configuration file # # # #----------------------------------------------------------------# cli version 3.20 clock local default-offset +00:00 timer PROVISIONING now + 3 minutes "provisioning execute PF_PROVISIONING_CONFIG" webserver port 80 language en sntp-client sntp-client server primary 0.patton.pool.ntp.org port 123 version 4 sntp-client server secondary 1.patton.pool.ntp.org port 123 version 4 system ic voice 0 low-bitrate-codec g729 system clock-source 1 bri 0 0 clock-source 2 bri 0 1 profile ppp default profile call-progress-tone IT_Dialtone play 1 200 425 -12 pause 2 200 play 3 600 425 -12 pause 4 1000 profile call-progress-tone IT_Alertingtone play 1 1000 425 -12 pause 2 4000 profile call-progress-tone IT_Busytone play 1 500 425 -12 pause 2 500 profile tone-set default profile tone-set IT map call-progress-tone dial-tone IT_Dialtone map call-progress-tone ringback-tone IT_Alertingtone map call-progress-tone busy-tone IT_Busytone map call-progress-tone release-tone IT_Busytone map call-progress-tone congestion-tone IT_Busytone profile voip default codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 profile voip Alliance-VOIP codec 1 g729 rx-length 20 tx-length 20 codec 2 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 codec 3 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 dejitter-mode static dejitter-max-delay 120 profile pstn default profile sip default no autonomous-transitioning profile aaa default method 1 local method 2 none profile provisioning PF_PROVISIONING_CONFIG destination configuration location 1 http://redirect.patton.com/$(system.mac);mac=$(system.mac);serial=$(system.serial);hwMajor=$(system.hw.major);hwMinor=$(system.hw.minor);swMajor=$(system.sw.major);swMinor=$(system.sw.minor);swDate=$(system.sw.date);productName=$(system.product.name);cliMajor=$(cli.major);cliMinor=$(cli.minor);osName=$(cli.major>=4|Trinity|SmartWare);subDirTrinity=$(cli.major>=4|/Trinity);subDirSmartWare=$(cli.major<4|/SmartWare);dhcp66=$(dhcp.66);dhcp67=$(dhcp.67) location 2 $(dhcp.66) location 3 $(dhcp.66)/$(system.mac).cfg location 4 http://$(dhcp.66)/$(dhcp.67) location 5 http://$(dhcp.66)/$(system.mac).cfg location 6 tftp://$(dhcp.66)/$(dhcp.67) location 7 tftp://$(dhcp.66)/$(system.mac).cfg activation reload immediate context ip router interface WAN ipaddress tcp adjust-mss rx mtu tcp adjust-mss tx mtu interface LAN ipaddress unnumbered no napt-inside tcp adjust-mss rx mtu tcp adjust-mss tx mtu context cs switch digit-collection timeout 4 national-prefix 0 international-prefix 00 routing-table called-e164 RT_OUT route .%T dest-interface IF_ISDN0 speech routing-table called-e164 RT_IN route .%T dest-interface IF_ASTERISK routing-table called-e164 RT_OUT2 route .%T dest-interface IF_ISDN1 speech routing-table called-e164 RT_IN2 route .%T dest-interface IF_ASTERISK2 routing-table called-e164 Test_Entree route 0970729927 dest-service AUDITIA mapping-table itc to itc speech map default to speech interface isdn IF_ISDN0 route call dest-table RT_IN use profile tone-set IT interface isdn IF_ISDN1 route call dest-table RT_IN2 use profile tone-set IT isdn-date-time interface sip IF_ASTERISK bind context sip-gateway GW_ASTERISK route call dest-table RT_OUT early-disconnect use profile voip Alliance-VOIP interface sip IF_ASTERISK2 bind context sip-gateway GW_ASTERISK2 route call dest-table RT_OUT2 early-disconnect use profile voip Alliance-VOIP interface sip IP_SIP_PBX service hunt-group AUDITIA drop-cause normal-unspecified drop-cause no-circuit-channel-available drop-cause network-out-of-order drop-cause temporary-failure drop-cause switching-equipment-congestion drop-cause access-info-discarded drop-cause circuit-channel-not-available drop-cause resources-unavailable route call 1 dest-table RT_IN route call 2 dest-table RT_IN2 context cs switch no shutdown authentication-service AUTH_SVC username 09XXXXXXXXXX6 password WCB3gjkigtecdVqxIEmSCA== encrypted location-service LOCATION_SVC domain 1 sip3.openvno.net identity 09XXXXXXXXXX6 authentication outbound authenticate 1 authentication-service AUTH_SVC username 09XXXXXXXXXX6 registration outbound registrar sip3.openvno.net 5060 proxy none lifetime 3600 register auto retry-timeout on-system-error 10 retry-timeout on-client-error 10 retry-timeout on-server-error 10 location-service LOCATION_SVC2 domain 1 sip3.openvno.net identity 09XXXXXXXXXX6 authentication outbound registration outbound registrar sip3.openvno.net proxy none lifetime 3600 register auto context sip-gateway GW_ASTERISK no shutdown port ethernet 0 0 medium auto encapsulation ip bind interface WAN router no shutdown port bri 0 0 clock auto encapsulation q921 q921 protocol pp uni-side auto encapsulation q931 q931 protocol dss1 uni-side net bchan-number-order ascending encapsulation cc-isdn bind interface IF_ISDN0 switch port bri 0 0 no shutdown port bri 0 1 clock auto encapsulation q921 q921 uni-side auto encapsulation q931 q931 protocol dss1 uni-side user bchan-number-order ascending encapsulation cc-isdn bind interface IF_ISDN1 switch port bri 0 1 no shutdown [/code:1:5dbd35dfa9] |