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config switch Alcatel ls 6224 P
🙄 Bonsoir, est ce que qq1 pourrais me guider pour configurer un port eth pour faire de l'encapsulation dot1q? De façon générale si vous avez de la doc de config ça m'intéresse. Merci à Tous |
Salut, voici un extrait de la documentation décrivant la mise en œuvre du dot1.q sur un Alcatel en partant du principe que tu as déjà configuré tes VLAN. En espérant que cela répond à ta question. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enabling Tagging on a Port To set a port to be a tagged port, you must specify a VLAN identification (VID) number and a portnumber. You may also optionally assign a text identification. For example, to configure port 4 on slot 3 to be a tagged port, enter the following command at the CLI prompt: Tagging would now be enabled on port 3/4, with a VID of 5. To add tagging to a port and label it with a text name, you would enter the text identification following the slot and port number. For example, to enable tagging on port 4 of slot 3 with a text name of port tag, enter the command in the following manner: The tagged port would now also be labeled port tag. Note that you must use quotes around the text description. The VLAN used to handle traffic on the tagged port must be created prior to using the vlan 802.1q command. Creating a VLAN is described in Chapter 4, “Configuring VLANs.” For more specific information, see the vlan 802.1q command section in the OmniSwitch CLI Reference Guide. @+ |